Lea Christin, 25, lives in leafy Hanover and never leaves the house without her handbag and bullet journal. Featuring Hey Soulsisters! she created a platform for women who go through life in a reflective, open-minded and full of energy and want to support each other! Lots of words and long sentences are her specialty - she can't do without nested subordinate clauses, dashes and semicolons, just like pasta and coffee.Hey soul sisters! Arose in the summer of 2018 from the need to use the influence of Instagram and Co for real messages, girl power and motivating stories. A colorful mix of lifestyle topics is supplemented with exciting interviews, helpful posts about motivation and self-discovery and best of all - you also have your say! Do you have an exciting topic that is burning on your soul? Do you want to share your knowledge with the community? Then write an email to hello@heysoulsisters.de and tell us your ideas!